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I'll see what I can do.
Yeah no hurry Marcel ... just thinking in advance for the next workshop....how is your plane coming along?? Just another thought ...any ideas on something to cut corflute with ease. ...electric scissors ... jigsaw..scroll saw....??? Especially the fiddly bits .. spacers in the fuselage ect: that are made from 5mm.. corflute. ?
I have a battery powered jigsaw if we need it
Thanks,that may be handy...on YouTube there is some examples of using a jigsaw style saw bench....... Can be made by clamping the jigsaw underneath a a solid sheet of whatever with the blade protruding through to the top where the cutting can take place...I imagine a fine tooth blade would be best for cutting corflute. ?
Just saw Kens post. I was wondering 2, if marcel has got anywhere with cutting out the larger plans and template 4 the larger mig 7?
I only have one wing and a few other pieces cut out at the moment. It's been put aside due to other commitments. Triage... if you like...
My initial thoughts would be that a jigsaw would be too rough, but if that's what people are using on youtube, it must be ok. I thought a scroll saw or fine and thin bandsaw would work better. I've been carefully slicing mine, using a long steel rule for the straight bits and by hand for the smaller nasty bits. A good blade works well, but takes ages and still makes scruffy lines when going diagonally along the ribs. I wonder if a hotwire would work, like when cutting foam? Might make a sticky stringy mess though...
Here is the link for the jigsaw bench on YouTube... they do cut plastic with it on another site but it does have a vertical blade guide ...i really dont think a guide would be necessary if only cutting 5mm max corflute... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpVgqyzVlM
Sorry Kenny! Now Im in the right thread. Well I just cut the 2 wings out of 1 sheet. Just works. I was worried about crushing the edge when I cut it, So I ended up using my blunt scalpel, and a steel ruler. Actually went pretty good. do the round ends, like pairing leather and go slow. Will bring Sunday. Now how do I bend it? (do I 1/2 cut it on the inside?)
No .. just score it ..with a screw driver or something not to sharp.. just enough to make an indent.... check out the YouTube how to bend videos.... Great to.hear things are moving .on the project.... ?
oh ok. I will try it in the morning then. Is getting real muggy here, and Im tired 2. Time wise, took me a couple hrs 2 do the 2 wings. From what Ive seen, the hardest part is getting the coreflute big enough to get the flutes the right way.
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